2018年6月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,在华盛顿召开的2018年消化性疾病周会议上,来自梅奥诊所的研究人员发表了他们最新的研究成果,如今他们已经完成了II期临床试验,即比较一组DNA标志物和α甲胎蛋白是否能作为一种新方法来检测肝癌。

医学博士John Kisiel表示,目前我们利用超声和血液蛋白标志物—α甲胎蛋白来检测肝癌患者,但很不幸的是,这些检测手段并不能敏感地监测一些可治愈的晚期肝癌,而且大部分需要接受这种检测的患者经常无法获得有效的检测信息,从而耽误疾病的治疗。
A step closer to developing a DNA test for liver cancer
A group of researchers from Mayo Clinic and Exact Sciences Corporation have completed a phase II study comparing a set of DNA markers to alpha fetoprotein as a method to test for liver cancer. The researchers presented their findings today at the 2018 Digestive Disease Week conference in Washington, D.C.
"We currently test for liver cancer using ultrasound and a blood protein marker called alpha fetoprotein," says John Kisiel, M.D., a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic. "Unfortunately, these tests are not very sensitive for curable stage liver cancers, and most patients who need this testing do not have it easily available or [are] not able to receive it often enough to be effective."
Dr. Kisiel and his colleagues developed a simple blood test using abnormal DNA markers that are known to exist in liver cancer tissues. They were able to confirm that the abnormal DNA markers were present in the overwhelming majority of blood samples that came from people with primary liver cancers. Simultaneously, these markers were absent in healthy individuals and individuals with cirrhosis of the liver but no evidence of tumors on their clinical follow-up.